Sunday, April 26, 2015

Loving You

I love You. Your essence. Even if your personality gets in the way sometimes, my heart will reach out to your heart. Will you open that door ?  It takes courage, and humility both to reach out, and to open up. Do you want to be "right", to "win", or do you want to connect..... again.

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Life Path Healings Thoughts for the Day: Dancing with Spirit

Life Path Healings Thoughts for the Day: Dancing with Spirit: Meditation is a form of dance. Dance is a way to feel and express..... All.   Free flow of energies allows us to feel and swim with the curr...

Dancing with Spirit

Meditation is a form of dance. Dance is a way to feel and express..... All.   Free flow of energies allows us to feel and swim with the currents of Life and Spirit.  Move your body, it moves your Soul. Life is a Dance and Spirit our Dance Partner.

Monday, April 20, 2015

Moments that Count

Every day, no matter how many challenges there may be, there are Moments. After all, challenges are just moments too. It takes discipline to choose which Moments to focus on. Being awakened late at night.... and noticing the stars and the mockingbird singing. My horse laying shock, and the brilliant ruby of her coat and  her ageless soulful eyes. Yin and Yang contrast each other throughout each day and both have their beauty  -- the joy and the sorrows. Life is the Sun and the Moon. The only constant are the Moments we choose, our Relationship with Spirit and with our Self as we are too are Spirit.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

The Moon of my Heart

Rolling over for a warm embracing hug and hearing the whispered "I love you always."  Every day begins like this and I am never alone for I hold my sacred heart in my own hands. As the Creator Loves Me, so do I. I cannot ever let myself down. I am Snake-- moving quietly and observing always, transforming on a regular basis. I am Horse -- strong yet gentle and receptive.  I am Moon Goddess cycling through life, ever changing, providing both light for seeing and dark for times of contemplation.

Sunday, April 12, 2015


Spirit reminds us to love humans and to trust Spirit.We are as leaves on a tree and as such, we share Source yet each Journey adds individual beauty to the whole.

Monday, April 6, 2015

Life Path Healings Thoughts for the Day: Let the Sun Shine In

Life Path Healings Thoughts for the Day: Let the Sun Shine In: Clouds make for spectacular sunrises and sunsets. We do not have to be perfect to be spectacular. Just make some room for the Sun. Keep the ...

Let the Sun Shine In

Clouds make for spectacular sunrises and sunsets. We do not have to be perfect to be spectacular. Just make some room for the Sun. Keep the clouds..... they make you special.