Monday, November 16, 2015

Healing begins at home !

Healing others is not the way to heal yourself. Too many people awaken their own wounds then within days proclaim they feel "guided " or "called" to be a healer..... of others. These self proclaimed healers often use the voice of Spirit as a way to justify running away from personal pain and unresolved wounds. Heal thyself, as when you do so, the world around you is healed of the same energies. We are all connected. Too many use healing others as a way to self medicate!

Tuesday, October 13, 2015


The amount of Dignity and Respect the world awards you is in direct proportion to the amount of Dignity and Respect you Award Your Self. !
And if I asked you to name all the things that you lovehow long would it take for you to name Your Self ?

Monday, August 31, 2015

Have Faith in Faith

Faith takes practice. We use our left brain to quite a bit to navigate Earth. Just like we need to pay special attention to make sure to exercise if we have a desk job (if we want to save our body), we need to work at touching Spirit daily when engrossed in Earth plane demands. Get a Mindfulness Bell app on your phone. Stop every30-60 minutes to sit, breathe, and contact Spirit. Even if only for few minutes. Watch how your life changes.

Sunday, August 9, 2015

I never loved you

I thought I loved myself.....instead I loved everyone else .... first.
I was taught that, by a mother in pain. I thought that was why I was put here on Earth. To heal you, to heal your pain. Finally, I have come to matter to my Soul and my own heart.

Thursday, June 11, 2015

True Miracles

With all the commercial New Age nonsense --- change your world with thought, do affirmations to create what you want (usually material goods or Earth lower body love, etc), take a 4 hour workshop (online even) to clear Karma---  people still find themselves a prisoner of the MEST world (matter energy space time). There is only one way to freedom-- Spiritual Practice-- that you do for yourself, with your Guides.  If all that New Age nonsense worked, we would by now, all be enlightened and that industry would be out of business. 

Invest in YOU.... in Your Sacred Self by living in a deeply connected manner so you may live from Guidance, not Earth Plane lower body desires. Then watch the Miracles appear every day of your life.

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Loving You

I love You. Your essence. Even if your personality gets in the way sometimes, my heart will reach out to your heart. Will you open that door ?  It takes courage, and humility both to reach out, and to open up. Do you want to be "right", to "win", or do you want to connect..... again.

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Life Path Healings Thoughts for the Day: Dancing with Spirit

Life Path Healings Thoughts for the Day: Dancing with Spirit: Meditation is a form of dance. Dance is a way to feel and express..... All.   Free flow of energies allows us to feel and swim with the curr...

Dancing with Spirit

Meditation is a form of dance. Dance is a way to feel and express..... All.   Free flow of energies allows us to feel and swim with the currents of Life and Spirit.  Move your body, it moves your Soul. Life is a Dance and Spirit our Dance Partner.

Monday, April 20, 2015

Moments that Count

Every day, no matter how many challenges there may be, there are Moments. After all, challenges are just moments too. It takes discipline to choose which Moments to focus on. Being awakened late at night.... and noticing the stars and the mockingbird singing. My horse laying shock, and the brilliant ruby of her coat and  her ageless soulful eyes. Yin and Yang contrast each other throughout each day and both have their beauty  -- the joy and the sorrows. Life is the Sun and the Moon. The only constant are the Moments we choose, our Relationship with Spirit and with our Self as we are too are Spirit.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

The Moon of my Heart

Rolling over for a warm embracing hug and hearing the whispered "I love you always."  Every day begins like this and I am never alone for I hold my sacred heart in my own hands. As the Creator Loves Me, so do I. I cannot ever let myself down. I am Snake-- moving quietly and observing always, transforming on a regular basis. I am Horse -- strong yet gentle and receptive.  I am Moon Goddess cycling through life, ever changing, providing both light for seeing and dark for times of contemplation.

Sunday, April 12, 2015


Spirit reminds us to love humans and to trust Spirit.We are as leaves on a tree and as such, we share Source yet each Journey adds individual beauty to the whole.

Monday, April 6, 2015

Life Path Healings Thoughts for the Day: Let the Sun Shine In

Life Path Healings Thoughts for the Day: Let the Sun Shine In: Clouds make for spectacular sunrises and sunsets. We do not have to be perfect to be spectacular. Just make some room for the Sun. Keep the ...

Let the Sun Shine In

Clouds make for spectacular sunrises and sunsets. We do not have to be perfect to be spectacular. Just make some room for the Sun. Keep the clouds..... they make you special.

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Why Live?

We experience emotions in dreams, and in life. Which one is the dream ?  Why is one better or worse than the other?  Enjoy life. Enjoy your dreams. It is how we learn, grow, and experience. Who are we to judge.  Our current job is to LIVE. 

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Heart Stopping

Fear and Love are heart stoppers. When you can, choose Love.  When fear grabs you, love the fear. Nurture it and hold it. Fear shows us where we still lack faith. Fear shows us when we abandon the self.  Hate your fears, and they become dis-ease in the body. Use fear to as a signpost for healing. Soothe the fears and you pave the way for Love.

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Tears water your smile

Forced happiness is like artificial flowers. It is the ups and downs of life that nourish the soil of our soul and the tears soften and feed the roots of our joy. Don't be afraid to feel.... all of your life.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Be Positive sometimes means Shut Up

Where do we go to feel sad ? Sometimes our closest friends and family give us  "be positive" platitudes when we really need room to "feel." If you can't handle someone's sadness or fear, please tell the person instead of giving them an unasked for pep talks. That can encourage suicide as the message can be, "don't come to me with your feelings."  Don't be afraid to get close to the darkness in others. That is when they need you the most.

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Shift Happens

Learning something with your mind has little to do with implementing it in your life. We need courage and persistence to Shift spiritually as well as to shift as a human. Dare to Shift !  Month Long Psychic Shift Program with Dr. Marie @ Life Path Healings.

Monday, January 19, 2015

Getting "somewhere"

We are usually so busy assessing, measuring and commenting on our own behaviors trying to be  "good" or "not bad" or figuring out our karma...... that we miss the messages and guidance from Spirit that can make each day pure joy.  12 Step programs have it right-- one day at a time.. or even one minute at a time. That way we can Mindfully enjoy all the miracles each moment of the day can offer us.<

Monday, January 12, 2015

Dance and your electrons dance with you

It is not just new age-- it is the physical and quantum sciences. Change one electron of one atom and the entire substance changes.  Dance away. Play. And literally the whole world will play with you. (But you can't fake this!") 

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Growing Joy

We strive to reach up to the stars.... but we also chose to incarnate and come to Earth! Sink in roots as well as reach for the sky. Join with Mother Earth and bridge with Father Sky.  Balance in all things. Strength in all endeavors.  Then Joy is  yours.

Saturday, January 3, 2015

The Joy of the Moment

How do we live in the moment ?  We have to plan to get through school, or save to buy a car.  Yes we do. We can make a plan, like reading a trail map. However,  you don't read the trail map every second of the hike !   You put it in your pocket so you can refer back to it if and when you need to. In the meantime, enjoy the trail !  The views! The exhilaration!  That is how we live in the moment.