Shielding is like building a moat, adding alligators, and adding drone
patrols. But what if there is nothing to shield but a mud puddle
If home base, your home energy field, is a castle,
that already is protection. It has thick walls, and a cozy inside. A
place to relax, think, reflect, rejuvenate. Our internal energy field is our castle-- however it can also be our mud puddle.
Spiritual practices build our foundation. Not only does that establish a safe zone long before one needs to establish shielding, it also gives us a nice home. Our place to live. Build a foundation first. You will find with a strong foundation you do not need to worry so much about shields.
It is only with a strong foundation that the garden of our intuition, and our connection with Spirit can grow-- like a garden on the castle grounds, rather than a constant foraging in the woods. Even nomadic tribes travel with tents or build shelters whenever they stay for a while. So many spiritual people are scattered and wounded. And while emergency shields are good in combat, at some point we want to pull back from the front lines and get our spiritual home strong.
Trees without a good root system fall in a storm.
Cultivate your home energies. Establish your energetic roots. Nurture your garden so you have a place to come home too. Then see how much shielding you may, or may not need.