Saturday, May 7, 2016

Be a BFF to your Self

People are so lonely these days. We long to be seen.  Not as hair, nails, cars, our jobs etc. We want to be seen for our authentic self.  This is why people often fall in love with their therapist, or a healer. Not because they are getting help, but because they are getting attention. Lots of it. And the patient or client is the center of attention.

After a Reading or a class people often refer to me as the friend, or best friend. In fact, people know nothing about me as the session or time spent with me has been all about them with some disclosure from me in the manner of teaching stories shared, not personal friend bonding stories.Why am I seen as a friend?   To me, this is an indication of how little time one is spending with one's inner child, higher self, authentic self. 

If you find yourself falling in love with, or declaring best friend status with a therapist, or any kind of healer consider this a red flag--- that you need to develop a loving relationship...with YOU, and with Spirit.  It is dangerous to make another human your source for love,  especially your only source.

Humans are imperfect.  Be your own best friend first.  And make Spirit your Soul Mate.  Live from Soul. Live from Spirit. Then your relationships with humans will shine.

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