Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Food for the Dark Side

As your Light grows, you shine..... even on the dark side (Yin and Yang-- there is always dark and light).  While helping others, you will also look like food to those that inhabit the darkness (both on earth and energetically). If you have holes in your energy field (recreational drugs, alcohol, abuse, truama), you are vulnerable to becoming a snack or even a full meal to predators (human and energetic spirits).  Keep shining, but also develop a strong core of personal energetic health and strength. Use discernment. Develop and trust your intuition (not your groin, or hormones, or emotional neediness). Meditate, cultivate, perhaps work with a Teacher.  Keep healing. Clean your "house" on a regular basis. Care for the you on this earth as you do your car, cell phone, nails, hair, etc. In fact, care for you..... more.

1 comment:

  1. Oh yes this is truth.Thank you for posting this Marie.
