Monday, December 22, 2014

Life is filled with roses-- and yes, roses have thorns. I still love roses.

Borderline pattern red alert...... People who boast about what people give them....and how well they are loved. (Look for this as a pattern, not a one time event).

They do not talk about what they give to others..... and often talk a great deal about their personal losses.

There is an implication that somehow getting others to give to them ......makes them, receiver, have more value as a person. As if manipulating others (often subtly) to give to one is a validation of one's self.

If we pay attention, people show us who they are.

Sometimes we don't like to pay attention because we think it is judgmental. But being judgmental is a gift from Spirit, a gift that can save our life. Like every tool, it can be misused but it should not be completely thrown out just because one must use it with care. 

Judging the mood of a rattlesnake is a very good idea. It does not mean the rattlesnakes is bad nor that you should kill it, however you don't want to treat it like a kitty that is purring.

Sometimes people are not good for us at this point in our life, or at this point in their life. Things may change but at the moment if the rattlesnake is purring, you have choices. Those choices are for the moment and we have the freedom to change them in the future. But to put ourselves in danger in the name of appearing non-judgmental can often lead to disastrous results for all.

Listen to what people say. Observe what people do. Except for sociopaths, people reveal themselves if we are willing to look.

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