people are skilled at being a SkinWalker-- shape shifting to survive a
job, or a relationship. Unfortunately most people do this unconsciously
so shape shifting becomes an unconscious habit rather than a conscious
choice. People without a strong spiritual and energetic core often lose
touch with their authentic self. They lose touch with their essential
self as they become habitual shape shifters to "get along" or to avoid
getting hurt.
unconscious person who uses SkinWalking to avoid pain, begins to
collect one repressed emotion or uncomfortable situation upon another
and these pile up creating a facade person that now lives on top of the
authentic self. This in turn creates reactions in present time that are
loaded because they are now linked to a whole chain of unhealed (and
now unconscious) past events. So when your loved one perhaps turns you
down for a date night, you might flip your lid because that innocent and
honest reaction set off a chain of unconscious painful or upsetting
memories. And you, being unconscious that this chain was ignited, will
blame your loved one or your self for the over reaction and now a
disastrous drama unfolds. All completely unnecessary, not to mention
exhausting, alienating and painful.
life regressions and life between life regressions are wonderful (and
long) processes to access soul memories. Regression meditation unravels
the knots that are currently disrupting you in this current life. It is
powerful clearing work.
the old knots interfering with your current ability to be present.
Watch your reactive body change dramatically even with one session.
Become a true SkinWalker, rather than a person who has sold their
authentic self down the river just to get along with others or to
survive a situation that causes you anxiety or fear. Begin to become
the "real you" again.... and shed the survivor facade you created that
then took you over as a bad habit.
Make an appointment with Dr Marie and shed a skin.
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