Thursday, August 3, 2017

Reading List

My favorite books all available on Amazon or Some of these books are also on YouTube and also various audio site. This list will be updated.

Spiritual Readings

Excellent article introducing the practice of Mindfulness

For deep Spiritual Growth and having a personal practice and discipline, any book or audio talk by Pema Chodron the first woman to run a Buddhist Abbey. An American by birth, her ability to present Buddhist concepts and practices in a vernacular that Westerners can relate to is a gift.  A must read article: The Pause

The Kin of Ata by Dorothy Bryant. A novel with a rough beginning to set the stage. A profound illustration of living from Spirit, the power of Yin energy, the magic of surrender and acceptance of not only Spiritual Guidance, but truly living your Life Path rather than pursuing and trying to manifest all the goodies you now want being in a human body.

Marriages between Zones Three and Four by Doris Lessing. A brilliant writer and a Sufi master in her own right. A novel to illustrate the intricacies of blending Yin and Yang energies, using the metaphor of a love story.

The Education of Oversoul Seven by Jane Roberts who channels "Seth" since the 1970's: In novel form, how reincarnation and living multiple concurrent lives works. Outstanding and accurate material based on the channeled material from Jane Roberts Seth books.

E.T. 101, The Cosmic Instruction Manual for Planetary Evolution by Zoev Jho. Very funny and an excellent perspective on being an awakened being, currently incarnated on Earth.

The Tao of Equus by Linda Kohanov (Any book by her will be worth the read.... ) One of the pioneers of looking at how animals can teach and heal us, in this case, horses. She is a brilliant combination of an intuitive medicine woman and outstanding research geek. A hard combination to find. Love her books.

Tao Te Ching by Lao Tsu, version by Jane English and Gia-Fu-Feng translator is my favorite  Beautiful edition and the most accessible and authoritative modern English translation of the ancient Chinese classic. This team also produces a gorgeous calendar  with quotes. The basic contemplation of Taoism. A classic. Meant to provoke meditations.

Any poetry by Rumi and Hafiz--ecstatic poets of the 13th century embodying the spirit of the Tao. Romantic (with Spirit) and inspirational. Look for the translator Coleman Barks (and his audio of the poetry is fantastic as well) to get the "Spirit " of the poetry, translated by a Poet. For more literal translations look for Nader Khalili.-- this version can be a bit "thick"

Daughter of Fire a Diary of  Spiritual Training with a Sufi Master by Irina Tweedie.  A phenomenal description of studying with a True Guru. The closest match to my own Journey with my Teacher.
Amazon description: 
This diary spans five years, making up an amazing record of spiritual transformation ... the agonies, the resistance, the long and frightening bouts with the purifying forces of Kundalini, the perseverance, the movements towards surrender, the longing, and finally the all-consuming love.
From a psychological viewpoint, the diary maps the process of ego dissolution, gradually unveiling the openness and love that reside beneath the surface of the personality. Mrs. Tweedie is the first Western woman to be trained in this ancient yogic lineage. 

Numerology and the Divine Triangle by Dusty Bunker and Faith Javane. My favorite book for studying numerology.

The Field- The Quest for the Secret Force of the Universe by Lynn McTaggart. Simply the best introduction to quantum physics brilliantly written (and documented) by an investigative journalist.  Science catching up with mysticism.  

 Psychology and other tools to survive being a Human

After the Ecstasy, the Laundry by Jack Kornfield. The author has an unusually broad spiritual history and this book is informative and grounding. A must read for serious Seekers.

The Dance of  Anger by Harriet Lerner (actually any book by her). A renowned psychologist, this title examines the trap of over-functioning, and over-giving which is common among empaths and healers. This will change your life.

When I say No, I feel Guilty by Manuel J. Smith. An outstanding "how to" book on setting boundaries and how to handle the reactions that will come at you from others when you set boundaries.

Getting in Touch with your Inner Bitch (Babe In Total Control of Herself) by Elizabeth Hilts. The author gave a talk about Toxic Niceness (applies to men as well) and the talk became in such high demand she wrote this fantastic and funny, easy to read book.

Controlling People: How to recognize, understand and deal with people who try to control you by Patricia Evans. The most sophisticated identification of controlling behaviors I have ever read (so far) with excellent tools to use once you recognize these behaviors.

Healing the Shame that Binds You by John Bradshaw. Shame is the motivator behind toxic behaviors: the compulsion, co-dependency, perfectionism, addiction and drive to super-achieve that breaks down the family and destroys personal lives. This book has helped millions identify their personal shame, understand the underlying reasons for it, address these root causes and release themselves from the shame that binds them to their past failures. All his books are outstanding.

Drama of the Gifted Child by Alice Miller.  Miller’s main point in the book is that the gifted child—the child who is more intelligent, more sensitive and more emotionally aware than other children—can be so attuned to her parents’ expectations that she does whatever it takes to fulfill these expectations while ignoring her own feelings and needs. In becoming the “perfect” child of her parents’ dreams, the gifted child loses something very precious. She loses her true self. In becoming her parents’ ideal child, she locks away her true feelings in a kind of “glass cellar,” the key to which is thrown away.

Self-Parenting: The Complete Guide to Your Inner Conversations by John K. Pollard. This is the classic and original how-to book defining the concept of "self-parenting." Many people grew up within a parental environment that did not support their childhood needs for love, support, and nurturing. As adults, one mentally continues the same patterns as an "Inner Parent" that left you feeling alone and abandoned as a child. By beginning the daily practice of positive Self-Parenting, the negative outer parenting patterns taught as a child (and subsequently internalized as an adult) can be recognized and reversed. The foundation of the SELF-PARENTING is the daily practice of the Self-Parenting Exercises, a thirty-minute session of cognitive interaction between the Inner Parent and Inner Child. During these daily half-hour sessions Illustrated In the book, the reader learns how to love, support, and nurture his or her Inner Child as well as increase their awareness of the profound implications of their Inner Conversations in the "real world."

Brain Gym, Simple Activities for Whole Brain Learning by Paul and Gail Dennison. MUCH better than Tapping/EFT. Enough said.

Showing our True Colors by Mary Miscisin. Excellent newer more modern version of research based Meyers Briggs Type Inventory (MBTI). Great information on what makes you (and your children and spouse etc) "tick" with details on how you react when stressed, what kind of complements work best for you (or your family or co-workers), learning, working and leadership styles and much more. Typically more helpful than "knowing your sign." No kidding ! Used by human resources, sheriff's departments and teachers.

A Framework for Understanding Poverty by Ruby K. Payne. If you work with people, and any of them come from a less than middle class background, you NEED this book. A must-read for healers, teachers, service providers. A true education on the cultural differences of different economic backgrounds written for those who do not have an education in sociology or social psychology.

TED TALKS that will change your life, inspire you. Talks are typically 18 minutes long

Ten Talks on Human Nature

The Importance of Play


Monday, October 24, 2016

Forgetting You / Losing Me

There is no real way to express
The profound and rawness
Of missing
My Beloved.
This shining soul encased in flesh
Surrounded by skin
Hung on bones.
How is it I lose you so easily
Throughout the day
Neglect at best
Abuse as worst.
As if when the Sun sets it no longer exists.
As if when incarnated
I am no longer the Sacred.
The Loneliness
So quickly and completely
I lose the time
To catch my Heart
To remember
I have never left.
This is not who I am
Only an experience I am having.
My Beloved
The Sacred
Is with me
Within me
And Without, as Other.
I am submerged.

Saturday, October 8, 2016

Love and Friendship

We all have Dark and Light in us and in our lives. We learn and grow from both. While we need boundaries to protect our Self, as we grow stronger we are more and more able to stay present for those who need us.... in their Darkness as well as in the Light. We learn we cannot help everyone.... but we can stay and love them. We learn to not always sacrifice our Self for others. We learn that everyone has Guides that care for them. We learn not to believe that someone is suddenly our friend because they need us, when in the years prior, there was no evidence of friendship. Life, love.... of others and of the Self.... is a balance. True love, in friendship as well, accepts boundaries and limitations. Embraces the journey of Kali which always proceeds a breakthrough. And continues to share in Shakti. If someone rejects you because you say you honestly simply cannot help them at this time...... that is manipulation, not love. If someone comes you proclaiming love or adoration only when they are in a Kali cycle, that is neediness, not love. If someone leaves you... different from saying I cannot help you, but I will stay with you...... when you are in a Kali cycle, that is not love. That is what we call a fair weather friend. Look for the balance that exists, or doesn't exist, in all relationships. Seek balance in the Love you share with others. 

Saturday, May 7, 2016

Be a BFF to your Self

People are so lonely these days. We long to be seen.  Not as hair, nails, cars, our jobs etc. We want to be seen for our authentic self.  This is why people often fall in love with their therapist, or a healer. Not because they are getting help, but because they are getting attention. Lots of it. And the patient or client is the center of attention.

After a Reading or a class people often refer to me as the friend, or best friend. In fact, people know nothing about me as the session or time spent with me has been all about them with some disclosure from me in the manner of teaching stories shared, not personal friend bonding stories.Why am I seen as a friend?   To me, this is an indication of how little time one is spending with one's inner child, higher self, authentic self. 

If you find yourself falling in love with, or declaring best friend status with a therapist, or any kind of healer consider this a red flag--- that you need to develop a loving relationship...with YOU, and with Spirit.  It is dangerous to make another human your source for love,  especially your only source.

Humans are imperfect.  Be your own best friend first.  And make Spirit your Soul Mate.  Live from Soul. Live from Spirit. Then your relationships with humans will shine.

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Food for the Dark Side

As your Light grows, you shine..... even on the dark side (Yin and Yang-- there is always dark and light).  While helping others, you will also look like food to those that inhabit the darkness (both on earth and energetically). If you have holes in your energy field (recreational drugs, alcohol, abuse, truama), you are vulnerable to becoming a snack or even a full meal to predators (human and energetic spirits).  Keep shining, but also develop a strong core of personal energetic health and strength. Use discernment. Develop and trust your intuition (not your groin, or hormones, or emotional neediness). Meditate, cultivate, perhaps work with a Teacher.  Keep healing. Clean your "house" on a regular basis. Care for the you on this earth as you do your car, cell phone, nails, hair, etc. In fact, care for you..... more.

Sunday, April 17, 2016

SkinWalkers -- Regression Meditations

Most people are skilled at being a SkinWalker-- shape shifting to survive a job, or a relationship. Unfortunately most people do this unconsciously so shape shifting becomes an unconscious habit rather than a conscious choice. People without a strong spiritual and energetic core often lose touch with their authentic self. They lose touch with their essential self as they become habitual shape shifters to "get along" or to avoid getting hurt.
An unconscious person who uses SkinWalking to avoid pain, begins to collect one repressed emotion or uncomfortable situation upon another and these pile up creating a facade person that now lives on top of the authentic self. This in turn creates reactions in present time that are loaded because they are now linked to a whole chain of unhealed (and now unconscious) past events. So when your loved one perhaps turns you down for a date night, you might flip your lid because that innocent and honest reaction set off a chain of unconscious painful or upsetting memories. And you, being unconscious that this chain was ignited, will blame your loved one or your self for the over reaction and now a disastrous drama unfolds. All completely unnecessary, not to mention exhausting, alienating and painful.
Past life regressions and life between life regressions are wonderful (and long) processes to access soul memories. Regression meditation unravels the knots that are currently disrupting you in this current life. It is powerful clearing work.
Untie the old knots interfering with your current ability to be present. Watch your reactive body change dramatically even with one session. Become a true SkinWalker, rather than a person who has sold their authentic self down the river just to get along with others or to survive a situation that causes you anxiety or fear. Begin to become the "real you" again.... and shed the survivor facade you created that then took you over as a bad habit.
Make an appointment with Dr Marie and shed a skin. 

Sunday, February 28, 2016

Moving out of Hell

You are afraid of pain. So you hide in your routines, your weight gain, in the keeping of secrets about your life ....  thinking this all makes you feel better. But this is only like drinking more water in Hell. Don't you want to leave Hell? The personal hell you have created for your Self? The hell that says, "If you leave here, you will suffer. You will feel pain." You are your own Devil. Your fear and the stories you tell your Self keep you trapped..... in hell. For so long that you no longer think of it as Hell but rather your life, under control, okay and there is hope (more glasses of water coming). The story of  moving on in 5 chapters:
1) I walk down the street. There is a large hole. I don't see it. I fall in. It takes forever to get out.
2) I walk down the street. There is a large hole. I see it. I fall in. It takes forever to get out.
3) I walk down the street. There is a large hole. I see it. I fall in. I get out quickly.
4) I walk down the street. There is a large hole. I see it. I walk around it.
5) I walk down a different street.
Pray for courage to change the things you can and for the courage to follow Guidance. Work with a Teacher and trust the process. Share with your close friends. Move out of Hell into a better neighborhood.